Benefits of Exogenous Ketones

Benefits of Exogenous Ketones

The potential wide-reaching benefits of exogenous ketones are supported by rapidly growing research demonstrating these supplements to apply not only to where a ketogenic diet may be efficacious but beyond. These benefits are due to ketone's role as both an energy substrate and signaling molecule. Stimulating a mild state of ketosis with exogenous ketones may turn on genes and have signaling effects that promote a healthier metabolic state over time, affecting health and disease on a whole-body level.

What makes exogenous ketones useful?

Exogenous ketone supplements allow for immediate induction of ketosis without overhauling your diet or making any other changes, making them a practical and reliable way to achieve ketosis, regardless of what you eat. They essentially allow anyone to achieve ketosis within minutes to hours, in contrast to fasting or ketogenic diets which can take days to weeks.

Based on the research, the greatest utility of exogenous ketones may be in patient populations who are unwilling or unable to follow a ketogenic diet, to complement a ketogenic diet, or for their potential physical and cognitive enhancements, independent of diet.

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